Acceletrim Blog

Eat Low Glycemic Carbohydrates For Weight Loss

Why is that all of the really great tasting foods are filled with high glycemic carbohydrates? These are the carbs that give your bloodstream a nice big spike in sugar. With all of this sugar floating around, your cells can either use it up or if they don't need it, then it can turn to fat. That is how it can happen if you have ever wondered why you can gain weight even though you eat low fat foods. What are low glycemic carbohydrates? To cover a few, they are vegetables and certain types of oats, and whole wheat can be low glycemic. These foods give you a steady flow of sugar release in your body and give it just enough energy to keep your body in a state that is healthy. A great way to drop pounds is to first cut out the high sugar foods. Giving up a daily soda pop can help you lose a lot of weight, or if you can’t give it up right away, go for the diet soda. If you have a sweet tooth, then go for the dark chocolate instead of white or milk chocolate. Some cereals have a lot of sugar, and if you can eat some oatmeal then your energy levels should be stable. Try and avoid the white bread and go for wheat instead because it is a bit better for your health. Balance out your carbohydrates with some protein, and fish is an excellent source of lean protein. It might take some time to do the switch over and going cold turkey could backfire on you. Do the switch in stages over a period of time. These are just a few recommendations, and if you followed these in the beginning stage you will be surprised as to how much better you will feel and how you can stabilize your energy levels by doing this.

It's Turkey Day and This is What Acceletrim Recommends

We are only three days away from turkey day and the craziness of this wonderful American holiday has already started, the cleaning, the cooking, the phone calls, the shopping, and you name it, you are beginning to feel the stress. Acceletrim, your weight loss solution recommends to take it easy and stay calm, no matter how much faster you try to get this finished, at the end you will have done an amazing job, and everyone will be extremely thankful for your work, effort, and love you have put into everything. We would like to emphasize that stress can be a side effect of overeating. Maintain your health by staying hydrated, drink plenty of water and stay away from the big temptations. Eat a lot of vegetables instead of the mashed potatoes that are filled with starchy carbohydrates; eat a small piece of pie, enjoy turkey breast instead of the wing or thigh, but no gravy. IF your goal is to look great this holiday season and show of your body, all it takes is a little bit of effort, Acceletrim can take you there.

What other things might you run into that day? Just simply a whole lot of temptations, be strong, you definitely do not want to give up your good habits all in one day. Have a little bit of what you really crave and truly enjoy every bite, like they say, sometimes quality is better than the quantity. Thanksgiving is about giving! Enjoy the company of true family and friends and taking importance on the things that really do matter. Food should always come second and simply enjoy it for what it is, food. Keep your weight loss in mind at all times and have fun; this is the true reason behind each holiday.

Two Weight Loss Phases With Acceletrim

In the real world, things work in a sequence of events. Nothing happens in isolation or in a vacuum. Basically, if you want to lose the weight and you know how it’s going to work and what to expect, than your destined to succeed.

There’s a bunch of products that claim to lose 20 pounds in ten days, or crazy claims like that. The reality is that when you lose 20 pounds in ten days, guess what? It’s going to bounce right back on and you’ll be back to where you started.

The best way to lose weight is to stick with taking Acceletrim. There are phases of weight loss that we see people go through on their way to getting to their goals. I bet your wondering what they are. Well, let’s get on with it then.

The first phase is the energy-boosting phase. This is the first stop of a well-rounded, long term, sensible plan. This is what you need to feel great and have more energy so you can make overall progress. We won’t go too deep into it here, but if you’re looking to lose weight this is the first step you should notice with a good plan.

How long does the energy-boosting phase last? Sometimes it is a week to a month depending on the person.

Phase two is the fat shredder plan. This is the phase where the curve starts to take off. Usually someone’s body needs to gain momentum. It’s used to gaining weight. So to slow, stop, reverse and start going in the right direction can take 14-21 days. Then the fun really begins. The added energy plus the fact that the weight starts to peel off is one of the most rewarding phases you can have. This usually lasts until some hit their goal weight. It can be anywhere from a month to a year or more.

From the end of month one through the fourth month if someone is really overweight it can really take off and drop a ton of ugly unwanted body fat.

So now that you know, it’s time to get going. Take the Acceletrim 90 day weight loss challenge today and get the body you deserve.

Lose Weight With Acceletrim Through The Holiday Season

This time of year it’s not impossible to keep your weight in check and actually lose a few extra pound before New Years. It’s all in how you go into the holidays that helps give you a good outcome. If you go in thinking that it’s going to make you lose control of your diet then that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact it can be the exact opposite if you just put a little thought into it. What do we mean by a little thought? For starters if you know that you’re going to have a day of binging, then give yourself permission to go that route. However, you’d better darned well get back on track the next morning by starting off with a good breakfast and getting your pattern back on track.

If you know that tonight is the holiday party, then make sure that you take extra special notice of how you decide to eat that morning. Keeping it all in a good balance is the key. Strangely enough your body functions in cycles. When you really watch your diet and are getting five small meals a day (not snacks), getting plenty of hydration, and getting a little movement, you can go out an binge for 24 hours or better yet a night or afternoon and stay right on track.

Binging for a day actually shocks your body into thinking that it doesn’t need to go into starvation mode and then you can keep the fat burning going. So even through you don’t want to stuff yourself regularly, if you do three or four whole days a month during the holidays, then it should hurt you losing those pounds right on track with your goals.

Why Breakfast is so Important When Losing Weight With Acceletrim

Advice comes in many different ways, shapes, and forms. Knowing your best options will help you make the best decisions and this can help you have a better and more fulfilling life.

Did you know that just by eating breakfast you are more likely to consume less calories during the rest of the day? Yes, it is true. When you eat breakfast first thing in the morning it starts your day off with your stomach processing and digesting food. If you skip breakfast and wait, you can end up with major food cravings later in the day. This can lead to you eating more calories than your body can handle. The trick is to eat less calories divided up throughout your day, rather than a whole bunch at once.

By eating a nice, healthy breakfast you will have the energy to get through your day and will be able to concentrate on the important things. I really noticed a big difference when I was in school if did not eat breakfast before I went to class, learning was just way harder than other days and my ability to concentrate diminished. I am sure this has happened to you to.

If you have been trying to lose weight and think that eating less will get you there, you are probably not taking the correct approach. Everyone knows that by eating multiple times a day including breakfast in smaller quantities of food is more likely to get you the results you need. It's like one of those days that for some reason you rushed out of your house to work and did not grab anything to eat and by 3 pm your stomach is making funny noises, and you feel an emptiness and all you can think about is eating a enormous amount of food as soon as you can. Your mind is tricking your it's probably thinking "Since I skipped breakfast I can have whatever I want", well this is going to make your tummy happy but at the end of the day your weight loss goals will have gone through the drain.

As the smart person that you are, and if you are not that "big on breakfast" here are a few ideas to get your morning started and your tummy prepared to take on a new day and drop pounds easily. High fiber carbs and lean protein are the best. Things like, eggs, oatmeal, protein powder, high fiber cereal, and low fat yogurt. Be creative, and season your meals well, the combination of foods will make your stomach feel full for a longer period of time. Combining these types of foods with Acceletrim weight loss system will give you that extra little kick of energy to be more productive and reduce your cravings thorough the day.

Like you, your body deserves to be treated well, feed it correctly and give it the nutrients it needs to keep going and it will respond in a positive way, by making you look really good.

The Power of Determination Through Your Weight Loss Process With Acceletrim

Depending on where you live, the leaves are turning, the sky has turned, the cold chills are beginning to embrace our bodies, and we must prepare for what is up ahead during the winter months.

What is it about weight loss that sometimes we think we simply cannot drop the pounds.
Do you even remember how it was that you got to the stage of that you find yourself at where you decided that your weight is something that need it to be paid attention to?

Probably not, you probably gained weight in a gradual matter like the rest of us. It is a very simple and long process. The first sign of this weight gain is the jeans that overnight simply do not button anymore, or maybe even people around you might start telling you that you are gaining weight. Sometimes the best way to deal with this is to ignore it go home and keep in your bad eating habits which only makes things worse. Instead you should pay attention and go home and take a totally different approach.

Use your self determination and love for your body to stop yourself from eating that slice of pizza that might be sitting in the refrigerator from the night before.

Determination, according to our terms is the ability to really focus on what you want and to sacrifice some things to get there and get there successfully. Use this, every time you feel like you just cannot keep going and you want to give up.

Never give up, is it the ending to this weight loss route where your find a person that you are going to like way better than this one? We love to show ourselves off and gain attention, so stick to your plan and take Acceletrim to help you get there, you can trust us, you will be a happier, thinner you.