Acceletrim Blog

Eat Low Glycemic Carbohydrates For Weight Loss

Why is that all of the really great tasting foods are filled with high glycemic carbohydrates? These are the carbs that give your bloodstream a nice big spike in sugar. With all of this sugar floating around, your cells can either use it up or if they don't need it, then it can turn to fat. That is how it can happen if you have ever wondered why you can gain weight even though you eat low fat foods. What are low glycemic carbohydrates? To cover a few, they are vegetables and certain types of oats, and whole wheat can be low glycemic. These foods give you a steady flow of sugar release in your body and give it just enough energy to keep your body in a state that is healthy. A great way to drop pounds is to first cut out the high sugar foods. Giving up a daily soda pop can help you lose a lot of weight, or if you can’t give it up right away, go for the diet soda. If you have a sweet tooth, then go for the dark chocolate instead of white or milk chocolate. Some cereals have a lot of sugar, and if you can eat some oatmeal then your energy levels should be stable. Try and avoid the white bread and go for wheat instead because it is a bit better for your health. Balance out your carbohydrates with some protein, and fish is an excellent source of lean protein. It might take some time to do the switch over and going cold turkey could backfire on you. Do the switch in stages over a period of time. These are just a few recommendations, and if you followed these in the beginning stage you will be surprised as to how much better you will feel and how you can stabilize your energy levels by doing this.

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