Acceletrim Blog

Ingredient Smarts When in the Kitchen with Acceletrim

Cooking is really a lot of fun. There are so many new cool ingredients really from all over the world that you could bring to your kitchen within a matter of minutes and really cook an extraordinary meal that is fresh and extremely healthy, better than any restaurant in town.

As cooks of this wonderful meals we really have to be conscious of the type of ingredients that we are buying to put into these well thought out meals. Which is why we are giving you a process, so that the meal that you prepare is not only good in flavor but also good for your health and the people you love.

Recipes: There are thousand of resources out there for you. The Internet, thousands of really good magazines, books, and of course your family cookbook. Do remember to think about to when you were a child and the meals that really made you happy, and try to recreate them; this will make your cooking experience a thousand percent more enjoyable.

Shop: The key with the shopping is to have the Freshest and healthiest ingredients. Get organized put the shopping list together and give yourself plenty of time so you can really compare quality, freshness and of course prices.

Substitute: Don’t follow the recipe exactly. Substituting ingredients is always good for a number of reasons. The first is quality if the recipe calls for lemon and all they have are bad lemons, try limes you will hardly tell the difference. Second is health oriented, if the recipe calls for butter, try olive oil, you heart and tummy will thank you for it. And the last but not least is Price, if your recipe calls for zucchini try yellow squash, there is as always another ingredient right at the tip of your fingers that will always work with the recipe, even though not exact.

Preparation: There is a French term “mis en place”, which simply means to put in place. Which means do all your chopping, washing and prepping before you actually start cooking. Make sure that you have everything you need right at the tip of your fingers to that when it comes time to cook, you will have everything neatly and ready to go.

Enjoy. Cooking is really about the end result. Proving a wonderful meal for the family or people you love is really a good feeling especially when all they do is compliment the chef.

Stay focused, use good ingredients quality ingredients and prepare yourself, the true secret to a successful dinner preparation.

Acceletrim Weight Loss Advice: Ladies, This is One Challenge You Want to Lose

Eating Out, is such an experience, there are so many restaurants that truly offer out of this world food and an out of this world service. We in this country are really so lucky to have the opportunity to really go out to have almost any type of food, from the remotest places on earth, and really if we wanted to the priciest place in town, not an opportunity people in other countries have. As women this one of the things that we really love doing for a number of reasons, the main one is because we do not have to cook period. The second reason is simply because we get to look like girls, meaning putting on the pretty shoes, the pretty dress, the make up and of course the hair. And the last reason is because we really love dates, to be able to have dinner with one of the people we love the most in our lives our boyfriend or husband.

As soon we arrive to the restaurant we get are greeted with a menu. Really a big book of all the things that we could have to eat and enjoy. Unfortunately a lot of us make two big mistakes as we are about to pick our diner, and we would like to point them out to you so that you are successful in getting and keeping a body that you and your partner really like.

Mistake No.1: “I’ll have the same thing”. Let’s remember that men are simply bigger than we are, in an average they are about fifty pounds bigger that us, therefore they can consume a lot more calories than we can. A male’s metabolism is also faster than most women, meaning that they burn fat a faster rate since their fat is stored in the abdominal zone which is easier to metabolize, than were we store fat the hips and things.

Mistake No. 2: “Cleaning Up you Plate”. Most guys love to eat, and when out to dinner they will eat every single bite until it’s completely gone. And just because they do this it does not mean that we also have to. Let’s keep our control and really enjoy the food that we order and take the rest home for lunch.

Solutions: Make sure you stay hydrated all day when you know you are going out to dinner, lot of water. Take your daily supplement of Acceletrim so that when you do get to the restaurant you are not “starving”. Enjoy, make your dinner with the person you love about the both of you concentrate in the conversation and really make it memorable, and treat the food like it’s meant to be treated, as garnish.

Acceletrim and Creative Calorie Burning

So you are women of the 21st century and you have many things on your mind, other than work. You are a successful and busy all day long. Weight loss has been one of your goals for a while but cannot seem to happen. To get to it, the office, work and your life are consuming your every minute. Have you ever tried to come up with a creative way to burn calories, other than working out? We are not trying to take away from exercise at all, and encourage it as much as you can, when you can, but have come up with a few very creative suggestions to burn a few extra calories to counteract for that vanilla latte you had this morning.

Here in this day an age, most of the world or “working world” should we put it, works out of a computer, on a desk, sitting down, putting behind the physical activity that one day a lot of people had before the computer age. Here is what a typical day is like for a person that works on a computer all day long. Usually coffee, hopefully a healthy breakfast, and off we go to the car and eventually make it to the office. We sit on that chair for a few hours and time for lunch. We come back to that same chair until it’s time to go home. How much activity did you get? How many calories were burnt while typing away? The truth is almost none; you body has consumed two meals and probably a snack here and there, and has done nothing to help it burn calories. So while you are sitting there reading this here are a few pointers that may help you burn a few extra calories and make a little difference, when you get on that scale. The Secret is to Move

When sitting at your desk, tap your foot, yes tap your foot, just like when you are nervous or trying to get something done. Tap, tap, away specially when your feet are crossed, this gives your tapping leg a little bit of extra weight.

Change your position, while you are sitting, constantly change from leg to leg when crossing your feet, if you have a swivel chair constantly keep moving from one end to the other, this will make your waist move and tucking in your stomach while doing it can definitely help out your core, be a little stronger.

Stand up and stretch often, this other than giving you a bit of extra activity can help your blood circulation going and also make your day a little less stressful. Breath in and out deeply while executing your stretch.

One last thing is to always remember is to workout on a constant basis, doing these little tricks can definitely help but going and getting a half to one hour of exercising is what is going to get you finally drop the weight that you have been putting of. Work is important it is what provides for our survival, but just as important are our bodies, make sure to give it all the care possible by exercising, eating well and staying in shape.

Acceletrim And Weight Loss For Women, we Are What we Eat

The 20th century has been characterized for being the century of the women, we have come out of our homes to take over the world. We can pretty much take on every single challenge and succeed at it, just like any man.

We live in an era of dieting and diets, exercising and nutritional regimens. We have access to pretty much any type of nutritional advice, and any type really of food that we want or our body might need as well as resources, why do American women keep getting bigger and bigger if the resources to lose weight are at their tips of their hands? There are many factors but we would like to identify two. If you have ever traveled abroad you will certainly recognize the first. The American Way of Life, it really is like none other. Women in this country work harder, faster and have thousands of things to do; hence women in other countries depend on their husbands and only take care of their home, kids and body. American Women have become successful because of the lifestyle and independent that we have adapted, we are capable just as men are of fulfilling different careers and also supporting a family. This independence comes with a price, a high stress and high paced lifestyle. This lifestyle is one of the reasons why we can really find food anywhere we want, there is a place to get food in each and every single corner of urban America, especially fast food restaurants. Food gives us the fuel to keep our body going which is why the saying you are what you eat makes sense, our body depends on the nutrients that we put in to keep going and go through our day. Use your intelligence about choosing your food just as much as you are about your career. It will make not only improve your shape but your output in life.

End Your “Mission Impossible” Weight Loss With Acceletrim

Finally you can achieve lasting and long-term success, without it being a big deal. Simple to follow and simple to use, we truly hope you enjoy the information that follows.

Thousands of women struggle daily with weight loss, it is a simple fact of life. One of the reasons for why it becomes a “Mission Impossible” for many is because there is no strategy to follow or a step-by-step process to go follow. They have an idea of what helps and what is good and what is bad, but nothing really on how to follow a procedure that is going to give them to success. We are going to offer you a step-by-step guide, but it is a simple suggestion and it should be followed as close as possible.

The first step is to do your math. What is your BMI? How many pounds do you want to lose? How much time are you going to have to devote to this goal? How much exercise and how many times a week and whether it can be decreased or increased? Knowing your BMI is key this way you will know how many calories your body can take a day and keep you on a weight loss curve.

Fruits with fiber are your allies, the area source of energy and can help you satiated. Eat them before each meal not at the end to avoid a simple alteration in your digestive system, but do some research on which have less of a sugar content.

Make your breakfast powerful, the body depends on what goes in to the stomach first in the morning to make it energy, give it lots of fruit, fiber and protein. Things like apples, whole grain cereal, oatmeal and eggs are always recommended.

Don’t starve yourself by only eating three meals a day, if you decide to eat only a few times a day this will not help, the more prolonged your meals are the worst off you will be. If you do this, your body will generate fat reserves, so therefore a couple of snacks between meals are suggested, these like vegetables, fruit, yogurt, or protein bars are recommended. Take Acceletrim three times a day to keep your cravings under control.

Use first and second courses when you eat. When dining out always order a salad with light vinaigrette dressing, staying away from the rich creamy kind. This will help your tummy feel full faster, and then choose your main entrée intelligently staying away from rich flour based meals, like pastas. One rule of gold to remember is the bread basket that is at your dinner table at restaurants, please ask your server to not bring any at all or if it is already there ask politely to be taken away. If you are with guests, and you feel this to be rude, go ahead and grab one piece but compensate when ordering dinner by staying away from rice, pasta and potatoes.

Shop for new china if you need to, if your dinner plates are way too big, you really need to get small to medium m sized ones, this way you can keep your portion control in line. It is proven that if you serve yourself dinner in bigger plates the chances of putting more food on them is seven times more likely.

Take paper and pen, to write down the size reduction and weight you are dropping every time this is accomplished. The tangible results will keep you going on a discipline. Writing down your successes will keep you more focused on your objective.

Exercise as much as you can.

Relax, sleep and avoid stress, these are simple and key steps make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep on a daily basis. It is also true that the happier you are the better you cope with yourself stimulates the endorphins from being released helping you on your weight loss goals, combating stress, and accelerating your metabolism.

Reward yourself, when you have reached your goal, take a vacation, buy that swimsuit that you can finally wear with pride without feeling like everyone is looking at you, because you are fat but because you are beautiful. Remember that reaching your goal is the sweetest thing you will ever taste; it will be the feeling that no chocolate cake can give you, and keep focused. Keep on at it maintaining your strategy and not forgetting that if you start to give in, and go back to your old lifestyle it will be really easy to gain the weight back, but why would you want to right?

Acceletrim Weight Loss And The Big Decision Between Couples to Lose Weight

What to say to your partner and when to say it can make a big difference on how things turn out. We are going to look into a few scenarios that couples can run into.

For those of us who are in a relationship, we are going to review how to work with your partner in regards to weight loss. It is tough on a relationship when either one person gains a lot of weight or loses a lot of weight. If this happens to just one, the other can feel left out and concerned. If you are in a relationship and you notice that you have been gaining a bit more weight than you like, have a talk with your partner. Let them know that you are overweight and discuss with them that you want to lose it. Be sure to be sincere and ask them for help. Think of this conversation as a true “heart-to-heart” talk. It is important to get their approval and acceptance so that they can support you with your efforts. If for some reason they don’t want to help, it is best to discuss it before hand so that you can come up with a plan to make it happen for yourself.

Now what happens if you notice your partner gaining weight? Should you discuss their diet with them? This is a touchy subject and depends on what your partner is like. There are so many different factors involved that cause people to gain weight, so maybe you could look into those before discussing this subject with them. Look at all of the external factors affecting your partner, possibly stress is adding up and they are overwhelmed. Maybe instead of having a discussion about their weight, talk with them about the external factors that are causing the weight gain. This approach can make it easy on the both of you. There is a kind and gentle way to approach this subject and still get the desired outcome.

If both of you are overweight, then discuss it, come up with your plan together, and make it happen together. This is on of the best aspects of a relationship, the aspect where you support each other and accomplish what you both want, together.

Have a Healthy Party And Be Skinny With Acceletrim

The Holidays and end of year parties are here. You know what that means. Great tasting food that is high in fat just waiting to be eaten. It is so good, cakes, pies, gravy, bread, and tons and tons of different foods that are displayed at all parties. The average weight gain during these festivities is from 3- 5 pounds, if not more. So, do something different this year by hosting a great, fun party that everyone can enjoy without all the needless calories. What can you do? What would you have? Well let’s give you plenty of ideas. You will need your grill though. Take out those beautiful platters that you have hidden away and start grilling. Grill some beautiful asparagus, and drizzle them with olive oil and lemon juice. Make a beautiful spinach salad garnished with pears, blue cheese and candied walnuts. With a simple olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. Fish is what is for dinner. There is a great recipe I believe comes from the French it is called on papillote; which is an actual method of cooking. It is really simple super delicious and healthy. It consists of steaming the piece of fish with veggies that are well seasoned in a piece of parchment paper until is cooked. Look for a couple of recipes and use lots of fresh herbs, your guests will be very impressed with your skills. Dessert, on this course you can cheat a little bit and buy a good quality of fruit sorbet and plated it up with beautiful fresh berries. It will be so simple and delicious that people will not even notice or miss the thousands of calories they will have eaten on a traditional holiday meal.

Feeling Pretty with Acceletrim

Pretty in Purple, Pretty in Red, Pretty in Black, you can be pretty in any color you want, it really only takes a little bit of your own effort and the right help. There is nothing better than waking up every morning and face the mirror feeling like you are the most attractive girl in the face of the universe, who can do anything, get anywhere and make her husband or boyfriend so proud of her that they cannot be away for more than five minutes. What does it take really? Well a good opinion of yourself counts big, what do we mean by this? The only person that you really have to convince that you are who you are and you can conquer the world if you put yourself to it is really you, sounds real easy does in it?

So why do a lot of women, retrieve from this type of attitude and choose to eat to feel better? Like we feel sad and we tend to reach to the refrigerator for some rich chocolate ice cream to feel happy. There is a better way, bringing yourself esteem up to a level where you feel happy and people around you, like being around you. The first step is to, to really tell yourself that you have had it with your attitude and kiss it goodbye for good.

Second is to start working out, little by little build up the minutes so you feel comfortable. Working out will bring a lot of new energy and take your level of stress down, and on top of that you will sleep better, it's a win win situation. Cannot stop yourself from reaching out to the fridge? Take Acceletrim it will help tremendously. Go shopping, this will raise anyone's self esteem and make you feel really happy. Also try to go out more often, with your friends, call you long lost friends and head out to town to make new friends, when you social circle stars growing and people want to hang out with you, you will be a changed, more confident, secure and happy person.

Popcorn, Weight Loss, and Acceletrim

Snacking and binging on tasty high fat foods happens to those of us who need to lose weight. We get sad, tired, and run down, so we turn to the snacking to burry the feelings and escape from the world as we know it. Favorite snacks include chocolate covered donuts, crunchy and salty potato chips, little bite sized cracker snacks, and the list goes on. We often use food as a device for relief from reality. The real question is, why do we use snacks that are filled with fat, sugar, and sometimes loads of salt? Is there another option? We really hope that you are reading this carefully because this tip can truly cut down on the size of your waist.

Next time that you want to snack, go to the store and buy some microwavable popcorn, the low fat kind. Go back into your house, heat it up in the microwave, it only takes about a minute or two, maybe three, then eat it. Snack like you normally snack, but eat popcorn. When you are eating it take a quick look at the “food facts” and notice that the calories are lower than the other foods you snack on, also, take a look at that fiber count on there. How many of us truly get in the eight or so servings of fruits and vegetables each day? Not many, so this fiber is only going to help you. If you started doing this each time you got the snacking urge, you can really get skinny quite fast. Acceletrim can help with your hunger urges, and cut back on how bad they are, while both taking it and eating this new found snack, you can say goodbye to your belly.

The Best Time to Exercise With Acceletrim

Today we are going to cover a subject that comes up when you are trying to fit in some exercise in your daily routine. What is the best time to get some exercise in what time is it going to be more benefiting toward you and your body?

Well it truly does depend on your lifestyle, what you do for a living and your daily to-dos. Really the morning is better for a number of reasons. You really want to start your day getting some exercise because if nothing else it will make you more productive throughout your day. It gets your metabolism going, and this is key towards having a successful weight loss plan. This also gets your heart rate up and it gives you more energy, which really does makes you more aware of what is going on around you and.

Is good for your health. But really the prevailing reason we would like to break it down and really explain it to you.
Let's say that you have dinner and go to bed, sleep 8 hours and get some rest. The next thing in the morning you wake up and hit the gym. Where is your body going to get the energy to get you through that work out? Well, the likelihood of your body reaching for

Fat, is high. Your body will reach in to already stored fat to burn as energy, which really is excellent news if you are trying to loose weight. Now let's use this scenario and make a small change. So what if you have a meal and then you hit the gym? Well the likelihood of your body reaching for that food that you just ate and use this as energy to burn to get you thought your workout are high, therefore not being quite better than the previous scenario.

Exercise is great no matter what, if you are full of tasks and it just is simply tough to come up with time, we suggest that you do exercise whenever your schedule sees fit, if you can arrange your schedule to workout in the morning it really is best, but if not just do it whenever you can, your body will thank you for it.

Acceletrim Can Help You Avoid The Emptiness Out of What You Eat

We are certain that sometime in your life you have heard of this term, but do you really know what the experts are talking about or what do they refer to when they talk about "empty calories"? This term is used to refer to calories that are present in foods that give you somewhat of energy but have a very, or no nutritional value, typically found in foods that have a high fat content and carbohydrates.

They are great, they taste heavenly, sometimes sweet, sometimes sour and maybe even salty. Completely irresistible, keeping our tummy full but offering zero or very poor nutritional value. The high sugar content of these types of foods make us feel real happy and we crave them all the time, but if you do not control these types of cravings it can really get you, your weight and your health in problems.

Empty calories are like when you buy any other type of hot gadget, that is all over the news and everyone has. You cannot wait until you have time to go get yours and finally have it on your hands, and figure out what exactly it is that is so cool about. So you hang out with it for a couple of days maybe even week, you show it off to everyone and than you are pretty much over it. And then that really neat thing that was all the hype a week ago becomes a thing of the past and gets put away in your forgotten gadget drawer.

This analogy is exactly the same things that happen with empty calories, it was a waist of your time, effort and money buying it, and then when you put it away you had that empty feeling.

These types of unfriendly calories are found in things like soda pop, hamburgers, French fries, donuts, chocolate cake, cotton candy, alcohol, cookies, white rice and white bread among others. But be careful these types of calories can also be found in food that is said to be "healthy", like wheat bread or breakfast breads like muffins or granola bars. Just because someone says they are healthy, it does not mean that they are.

The rule to follow is if you are not sure about it's nutritional value of something that you are about to eat, it's better to live it alone. If you have that doubtful feeling, or have a hunch about it, listen to it and simply live it alone. If you are one of those people that cannot stop eating or that the feeling of eating foods made up of empty calories is bigger or stronger than you, slowly start to decrease your intake of these foods. Start on a day-to-day basis, slowly and not all at once. Acceletrim can help with this urge of eating; it helps calm that eagerness to overeat and creates a feeling of satisfaction by not spending your day being hungry all day.

Remember that there comes a point in our lives were all of a sudden we just have to lose the weight, when there is a special occasion or you have met someone. We recommend that you start today and star loosing the weight slowly so when that time comes you are ready and you will be as happy as ever.

Acceletrim And a Tip For a Healthy Lunch And Energetic Afternoon

After breakfast we are on our way to a productive and fulfilling day. We are working hard, taking care of our families, and doing everything we can to live a great live. When mid day comes around it is time for lunch, what should we do? We really need to have a plan for lunch because it is such an important meal, it is the backbone for the amount of energy that you will have for the rest of your afternoon. If you eat the right foods, your afternoons can be energetic and fulfilling, rather than sluggish.

We must remember that our bodies need fuel every two to three hours, so after breakfast we should eat a small meal a few hours before lunch. This small meal is not what we usually take an hour break for like we do with lunch, it is short and to the point. Lunch is a dedicated meal, so we pay attention to it. If you go for lunch and eat a bunch of foods high in fat and carbohydrates, and then follow it with sugar snacks, then you are set up for an afternoon of fatigue and sleep, rather than participate. A recommendation for lunch is to have a balance of protein and fiber, along with low glycemic carbohydrates. An example is a tuna sandwich on wheat bread topped with lettuce, and on the side you can eat some popcorn. This will provide your body with a good ratio of foods to keep your energy level up through the afternoon. Don’t forget to have another small, quick meal mid-afternoon and then it will be time for a healthy dinner.

Acceletrim And Advice on The Holiday Hors d'Oeuvres

It is now December 1st and we have a few more weeks of celebrations and fun. Doesn't time just fly by? Wouldn't it be nice if time could slow down for a while and allow us to enjoy more of it?

Being that we are moving right on into the holiday season, we are going to cover a topic that most of us don't really give much thought too, and that is the topic of "Hors d'Oeuvres", which are appetizers. When you go to a dinner or a lunch with your friends and family, or a work party, there are going to be these little snacks and appetizers that you have while you socialize and talk before the meal. We are offered these and we usually accept. Have you ever given it much thought as to how many calories can be in one of the Hor d'Oevres or appetizers? Tasty treats like fried spring rolls can have up to one hundred and fifty calories each, or more, and a lot of that comes from fat. This is just one, and if you have a few, you can be walking into the meal with way more calories than you can handle. There is some really good news about this, and that is there are healthier options available for you. Before you accept the fried and fattening Hor d'Oevres, take a minute and look at the other options, usually there are vegetables and dip, or grilled shrimp and cocktail sauce. Take a look around and save yourself from those calories. You don't want to walk away from the party knowing that you just consumed four thousand calories, it will be very difficult to put your pants on the next day, and for quite some time. A little preventative weight gain can go a long way and make your life a lot easier.