Ice skating is not for everyone, especially in warmer climates. In the warmer climates the best choice is rollerblading. If you live near the beach then rollerblading can be so much fun. There is either a boardwalk to do it on, or a path that goes along the coast. Both are extremely enjoyable. The saltwater air and the sun can make for a weight loss environment, meaning that you will enjoy losing weight and exercising. Take your three Acceletrim capsules during the day and get over to the boardwalk, lace up your rollerblades and start skating along. It is best done with a friend, however it can be quite fun alone. If you go alone you may want to use headphones and listen to your most favorite type of music. To burn even more calories than rollerblading you can sing while you do it, but this should only be done if there are not a lot of people around if your voice is not the best.
Make sure that the rollerblades fit your feet just perfect. They should be tight and snug around your feet and support your ankles. Keep a tall posture while you rollerblade and focus on your form. Make sure that your legs are moving in an equal space and move symmetrically. Wearing a helmet and elbow and knee pads can offer protection, a positive side effect of this is if you fall you can protect your body by having the gear get the wear and tear and not your body.
A routine would be best to get the most positive benefits from rollerblading. Start out slow and then increase both the time and the frequency. You could end up rollerblading five days per week for about an hour at a time. Less is alright too, and something is better than nothing, so just going and rollerblading is ok. If you get into a routine your body can start to benefit because of the consistent repetition of exercise.
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