Running is something that we first come into contact with when we are young. It is this thing that people do to move fast, to get to point A to point B in a hurry. This is not about running, but rather eating on the run, there is a difference.
Eating on the run is when you are just so busy that you don’t have time to eat. It is well advised that when you are using Acceletrim you should take time out of your day to specifically eat your meals, but this is not the way things turn out for most. Eating and meals can become the last thing on our minds and a topic that is more burdensome than enjoyable. Because we are so busy we eat on the run, we eat what we can while hurrying to our next appointment. In the morning, for instance, the kids have to be at school at seven thirty or they will be late. The alarm did not go off at the regular time so you have to hurry up and get them to school on time or else. Do you even grab anything to eat for breakfast? Since you are on the run you might grab a blueberry muffin, and this is high in calories that will not help you with weight loss or long term energy. You eat it in the car and can’t even enjoy it. This is just an example, and there are so many other things that come up so often that make you eat on the run.
On Sunday, consider making an on the run list and then getting the on the run foods that are healthy for your body for the week ahead. Get a few oat bran muffins, single yogurt containers with high fiber, instant oatmeal, protein shakes, and other on the go foods that are good for your health. Make sure they have the right ratios of nutrients so you can have plenty of energy and keep your weight loss going. In a perfect world you would have plenty of time to sit and enjoy each of your many meals of the day, but it is just not the case for most. Go ahead and plan for the busy times with having the healthy foods on stock.
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