Have you ever counted the number of steps that you have taken in one day? It is a thing that not many individuals do; there are so many other things to think about besides that. Counting the number of steps taken is a perfect thing to participate in while you are on a weight loss program.
Just think for a minute, you are walking along and as you are walking you are counting. If you set a specific number that you want to hit you will defiantly get there if you count along the way. You are well aware as to how hard it is to remember your counting spot once someone asks you a question, you will have to start all over. When you count your steps make sure that no one will interrupt you, you will be completely focused in on counting and walking. These two things are very positive and beneficial. The more that you can focus the better your body can respond to the activity. It is like you are putting your mental power into the mix too.
A good number of steps to aim for when you go out for your activity is two thousand steps. Do your best to get two thousand steps in. You can start out on your porch at your house and start from there, go one thousand steps one way; and then one thousand steps back. While you are walking you are counting and once you make the one thousand steps you will be proud that you made it, then all you have to do is go back the next one thousand and you are all done. One thousand steps per day is a starting point, you can always move the number up each week and soon you can go something like five thousand steps per session.
You can choose to get a counter that you can place on your body, but this will take out the mental part that will keep you going. Most of the time we struggle with exercise and activity because of where are minds are, and if you keep it thinking about counting you can more than likely get the activity in. Take two capsules of Acceletrim about an hour or so before and then get walking and get counting. If you get your daily activity in like mentioned above it should only take you about twenty minutes or so, maybe thirty. Make sure to wear an Ipod or CD player if you would like some music in the background while you are counting your steps. Try not to go with the elevator kind because it might make you too relaxed, and this is not the relaxation time.
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