Acceletrim Blog

Acceletrim And a Tip For a Healthy Lunch And Energetic Afternoon

After breakfast we are on our way to a productive and fulfilling day. We are working hard, taking care of our families, and doing everything we can to live a great live. When mid day comes around it is time for lunch, what should we do? We really need to have a plan for lunch because it is such an important meal, it is the backbone for the amount of energy that you will have for the rest of your afternoon. If you eat the right foods, your afternoons can be energetic and fulfilling, rather than sluggish.

We must remember that our bodies need fuel every two to three hours, so after breakfast we should eat a small meal a few hours before lunch. This small meal is not what we usually take an hour break for like we do with lunch, it is short and to the point. Lunch is a dedicated meal, so we pay attention to it. If you go for lunch and eat a bunch of foods high in fat and carbohydrates, and then follow it with sugar snacks, then you are set up for an afternoon of fatigue and sleep, rather than participate. A recommendation for lunch is to have a balance of protein and fiber, along with low glycemic carbohydrates. An example is a tuna sandwich on wheat bread topped with lettuce, and on the side you can eat some popcorn. This will provide your body with a good ratio of foods to keep your energy level up through the afternoon. Don’t forget to have another small, quick meal mid-afternoon and then it will be time for a healthy dinner.

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