Acceletrim Blog

Acceletrim Can Help You Avoid The Emptiness Out of What You Eat

We are certain that sometime in your life you have heard of this term, but do you really know what the experts are talking about or what do they refer to when they talk about "empty calories"? This term is used to refer to calories that are present in foods that give you somewhat of energy but have a very, or no nutritional value, typically found in foods that have a high fat content and carbohydrates.

They are great, they taste heavenly, sometimes sweet, sometimes sour and maybe even salty. Completely irresistible, keeping our tummy full but offering zero or very poor nutritional value. The high sugar content of these types of foods make us feel real happy and we crave them all the time, but if you do not control these types of cravings it can really get you, your weight and your health in problems.

Empty calories are like when you buy any other type of hot gadget, that is all over the news and everyone has. You cannot wait until you have time to go get yours and finally have it on your hands, and figure out what exactly it is that is so cool about. So you hang out with it for a couple of days maybe even week, you show it off to everyone and than you are pretty much over it. And then that really neat thing that was all the hype a week ago becomes a thing of the past and gets put away in your forgotten gadget drawer.

This analogy is exactly the same things that happen with empty calories, it was a waist of your time, effort and money buying it, and then when you put it away you had that empty feeling.

These types of unfriendly calories are found in things like soda pop, hamburgers, French fries, donuts, chocolate cake, cotton candy, alcohol, cookies, white rice and white bread among others. But be careful these types of calories can also be found in food that is said to be "healthy", like wheat bread or breakfast breads like muffins or granola bars. Just because someone says they are healthy, it does not mean that they are.

The rule to follow is if you are not sure about it's nutritional value of something that you are about to eat, it's better to live it alone. If you have that doubtful feeling, or have a hunch about it, listen to it and simply live it alone. If you are one of those people that cannot stop eating or that the feeling of eating foods made up of empty calories is bigger or stronger than you, slowly start to decrease your intake of these foods. Start on a day-to-day basis, slowly and not all at once. Acceletrim can help with this urge of eating; it helps calm that eagerness to overeat and creates a feeling of satisfaction by not spending your day being hungry all day.

Remember that there comes a point in our lives were all of a sudden we just have to lose the weight, when there is a special occasion or you have met someone. We recommend that you start today and star loosing the weight slowly so when that time comes you are ready and you will be as happy as ever.

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