Acceletrim Blog

Acceletrim and Creative Calorie Burning

So you are women of the 21st century and you have many things on your mind, other than work. You are a successful and busy all day long. Weight loss has been one of your goals for a while but cannot seem to happen. To get to it, the office, work and your life are consuming your every minute. Have you ever tried to come up with a creative way to burn calories, other than working out? We are not trying to take away from exercise at all, and encourage it as much as you can, when you can, but have come up with a few very creative suggestions to burn a few extra calories to counteract for that vanilla latte you had this morning.

Here in this day an age, most of the world or “working world” should we put it, works out of a computer, on a desk, sitting down, putting behind the physical activity that one day a lot of people had before the computer age. Here is what a typical day is like for a person that works on a computer all day long. Usually coffee, hopefully a healthy breakfast, and off we go to the car and eventually make it to the office. We sit on that chair for a few hours and time for lunch. We come back to that same chair until it’s time to go home. How much activity did you get? How many calories were burnt while typing away? The truth is almost none; you body has consumed two meals and probably a snack here and there, and has done nothing to help it burn calories. So while you are sitting there reading this here are a few pointers that may help you burn a few extra calories and make a little difference, when you get on that scale. The Secret is to Move

When sitting at your desk, tap your foot, yes tap your foot, just like when you are nervous or trying to get something done. Tap, tap, away specially when your feet are crossed, this gives your tapping leg a little bit of extra weight.

Change your position, while you are sitting, constantly change from leg to leg when crossing your feet, if you have a swivel chair constantly keep moving from one end to the other, this will make your waist move and tucking in your stomach while doing it can definitely help out your core, be a little stronger.

Stand up and stretch often, this other than giving you a bit of extra activity can help your blood circulation going and also make your day a little less stressful. Breath in and out deeply while executing your stretch.

One last thing is to always remember is to workout on a constant basis, doing these little tricks can definitely help but going and getting a half to one hour of exercising is what is going to get you finally drop the weight that you have been putting of. Work is important it is what provides for our survival, but just as important are our bodies, make sure to give it all the care possible by exercising, eating well and staying in shape.

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