Acceletrim Blog

Ingredient Smarts When in the Kitchen with Acceletrim

Cooking is really a lot of fun. There are so many new cool ingredients really from all over the world that you could bring to your kitchen within a matter of minutes and really cook an extraordinary meal that is fresh and extremely healthy, better than any restaurant in town.

As cooks of this wonderful meals we really have to be conscious of the type of ingredients that we are buying to put into these well thought out meals. Which is why we are giving you a process, so that the meal that you prepare is not only good in flavor but also good for your health and the people you love.

Recipes: There are thousand of resources out there for you. The Internet, thousands of really good magazines, books, and of course your family cookbook. Do remember to think about to when you were a child and the meals that really made you happy, and try to recreate them; this will make your cooking experience a thousand percent more enjoyable.

Shop: The key with the shopping is to have the Freshest and healthiest ingredients. Get organized put the shopping list together and give yourself plenty of time so you can really compare quality, freshness and of course prices.

Substitute: Don’t follow the recipe exactly. Substituting ingredients is always good for a number of reasons. The first is quality if the recipe calls for lemon and all they have are bad lemons, try limes you will hardly tell the difference. Second is health oriented, if the recipe calls for butter, try olive oil, you heart and tummy will thank you for it. And the last but not least is Price, if your recipe calls for zucchini try yellow squash, there is as always another ingredient right at the tip of your fingers that will always work with the recipe, even though not exact.

Preparation: There is a French term “mis en place”, which simply means to put in place. Which means do all your chopping, washing and prepping before you actually start cooking. Make sure that you have everything you need right at the tip of your fingers to that when it comes time to cook, you will have everything neatly and ready to go.

Enjoy. Cooking is really about the end result. Proving a wonderful meal for the family or people you love is really a good feeling especially when all they do is compliment the chef.

Stay focused, use good ingredients quality ingredients and prepare yourself, the true secret to a successful dinner preparation.

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