Acceletrim Blog

Acceletrim and Keeping Up with Your Resolutions

We have turned the page of a new year, yet once again. Another time period we have entered in our lives. As this New Year begins, and we set our resolutions for the year, we really have to focus on things that we can accomplish and set a few but clear goals.

Why do we say this? Well because it is proven that people that “over do it’ and try to do too much and get to too many places fail at it, the secret here is to focus.

Time is extremely important, to keep you on track make sure you are really, timing yourself on how fast you want to complete your goals. The other key is Organization. You could have a lot of time, but if you don’t use it efficiently you may not be able to get to where you want to go, organizing yourself will help you get there quicker and more importantly with less stress.

If one of those resolutions is to lose weight this year and keep it off, a few things must be remembered. Take your time; Rome was not conquered in one day, nor your body. Give yourself the opportunity to breath through this process. Take it easy the first couple of weeks to be able to adjust to your new healthy lifestyle. After all if it took you several years to get to where you are today, the least you can do for your body is to give it a few months to get back in shape.

by cleaning out your kitchen, entirely of any temptations. Any cookies, ice cream, crackers and type of food that could endanger you, caving in. If you have any unopened or canned food, make sure you donate it or give it away to someone, not just throw it or away or even worse end up eating it.

Keep Up: Start cooking healthy for you and your family, go out get yourself a couple of cookbooks and really get in to it. Also go out and start working out, slowly work up to so that you can work out for a half and hour to 45 mts. If you feel like you need a little help and are running out of energy Acceletrim can really help you keep focused.

After all your effort and sacrifice and you look how you wanted to look, make sure that you reward yourself with something that you have always wanted to do, but could not do, because of your weight problem. Go out get a bikini, book a trip to a beach and have the best time of your life, of course remembering to still doing this in a healthy approach.

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